KS3 Curriculum Overview Programme of Study for Years 7, 8 and 9


The National Curriculum

This three year programme of study offers pupils an introduction to the essential knowledge that they need to be educated citizens. As well as teaching the core subjects, Maths, English and Science, pupil’s gain knowledge and understanding and skills as part of the wider school curriculum such as Humanities (History, Geography and Religious Education), Seal, PHSCE, Art and Design, Physical Education, Life Skills and Careers & Enterprise.

Our Curriculum not only provides the academic element but also the social, emotional and behavioural skills needed for the school community, the home and wider community life. We believe emotional health and well-being is just as important as their educational pathway allowing for effective learning and good social skills.

All of the above skills are fundamental to school improvement. Children with these skills and who are educated in a supportive and nurturing environment are able to become effective, successful and Independent learners.

To read further informaton, please click on the document below. 

KS3 Curriculum Overview