Levett School is a Pupil Referral Unit (PRU) operating within Doncaster local authority, catering for Key stage 2 and 3 pupils, providing education and support who have been twice permanently excluded from mainstream school or, who are at risk of permanent exclusion from their mainstream school, due to challenging behaviour. Admission is by referral only. Most of our pupils are dual-registered with their mainstream school, as an alternative to permanent exclusion.
Levett school makes full provision for young people with special educational needs and disabilities in accordance with the SEND Code of Practice to ensure that special educational needs and disabilities are supported to allow individuals to make the best possible progress. Quality first teaching is fundamental and use of assessment data allows the curriculum to be adapted and implemented in ways that will meet individual need.
All pupils attending Levett are deemed to be in the SEN Support category, some will have an EHCP on arrival or as a result of the graduated approach (evidence collected from the assess, plan, do review cycle), will have a request for an EHCP submitted during their time with us.