Online safety

With the digital world constantly evolving and new technologies continuously being introduced, it is essential that E-Safety be taught across the curriculum, particularly through Computing & ICT and PSE.

Not only are students taught how to use technology responsibly, but also we strongly encourage our young people to think critically about their digital footprint, the risks associated with their online identity and their use of technology. 

The Levett is proactive in educating our students on managing such risks. Each year the school observes Safer Internet Day with assemblies, delivered by school staff or outside agencies, and tutor time activities.

E-Safety and digital citizenship should be everyday discussions, at school and at home.  By working alongside parents and carers, we can help them learn how to assist their child develop the skills to be safer online.

Each year, we can offer an Online Safety even for parents and carers; we share information about new technologies and offer tips and advice on how to help keep your child safe online, there is also a Q&A session at the end where parents and carers can raise any questions or concerns they have.  Please see the links below for a recording and resources of the most recent event.

In the links below, we have a range of sources that will help to keep you up-to-date with E-Safety issues:

Online safety guide

Helping parents keep their children safe online.

Visit website

Protecting children online

A statement from the Metropolitan Police.

Visit website


Help your children get the most out of the Internet.

Visit website


Child Exploitation and Online Protection.

Visit website

Keeping kids safe online

02 and the NSPCC come together to provide advice on keeping children safe online

Visit website


Advice on digital parenting.

Visit website


Advice for parents when buying video games.

Visit website


Information to keep your child safe online.

Visit website

Education Against Hates

Online safety information and advice.

Visit website

Protecting children on line - Statement from Met Police
