Kindness Pledge

We’ve taken the Choose Kindness pledge!


You may already be aware of Doncaster’s Choose Kindness movement but if not, this is a city-wide movement which champions the power of kindness and celebrates the rich diversity of our local people and communities.

The movement emphasises the power of kindness and how no matter how big or small, one kind act can impact significantly on everyone’s wellbeing and enhancing Doncaster as a vibrant and welcoming city for all. 

As a school, we are delighted to have taken the pledge. The Levett School strives to be a warm and welcoming place for all, where everyone is encouraged to spread kindness in their daily activities.


Everyone across Doncaster is invited to take the Choose Kindness pledge. We all have the power to make a difference to each other’s lives whether that’s through a small gesture or getting involved in projects to support others and the environment we live in.

For more information about Choose Kindness and to take the pledge, visit Choose Kindness - YourLifeDoncaster The page also features an online version of Be the Kind Kid book. The touching story teaches us all that one small act of kindness can make a world of difference. 

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