Mental Health

At The Levett School our aim is to promote and help our young people understand and maintain good mental health.

Our hope is to provide an environment where ‘wellness’ flourishes.

Adolescence is a unique and formative time.  Not only are our young people physically changing before our eyes, but also their brains and nervous systems are impacted by the unseen hormonal changes in their bodies.  Not only do our young people have to contend with these uncontrollable factors, some also have transition to new schools, which brings its own challenges.  Our experience of adolescence informs our practice, and our understanding creates a safe place to explore the world around them.

Everywhere we go we are surrounded by talk about mental health.  There is a vast amount of research to support the belief that the earlier young people are introduced to ways of managing and understanding themselves, the healthier and more enriched their adult lives can be.  Our understanding is that good mental health enables us to protect ourselves against developing bad mental health.  Having good mental health enables us to make the most of our potential, to learn, to express and manage all emotional experiences, to form and maintain positive relationships and to cope with change and uncertainty.  In essence to lead a fulfilling life.

“It is not the load that weighs you down, it’s the way you carry it”

C. S. Lewis

Life events and circumstances may affect your mental well-being; life has a habit of throwing a curve ball.  At The Levett we have experienced, listening ears that will strive to get the support needed for you and your family at difficult times.