
We have embraced Thrive-Online® in our school. This is to help us identify what aspects of the social and emotional curriculum we need to focus on for each class/group of pupils. We use this to adapt how and what we teach to best meet the needs that are indicated to ensure your child receives a full package to their academic, social and emotional needs.

We use Thrive-Online® to assess and develop action plans for individual pupils. This ensures the staff working with them understand their individual needs and are able to meet these most effectively. We would like to assess and develop an individual action plan for your child to support them better and, before doing so, would like to tell you how we do this:

  • A Thrive assessment is carried out. This involves school staff assessing the positive display of important social and emotional skills from an individual pupil or small group of pupils and then determining the frequency and confidence of the skills being exhibited. The assessment is based on the normal daily observation of school staff. It does not involve the pupil directly responding to questions or having to experience being assessed.
  • Minimal personal data will be gathered relating to your child in order to carry out the Thrive assessment and action plan. This may include contact details, date of birth and information relating to your child’s learning and behaviour at school.
  • Your child’s information will be reviewed by Thrive trained staff in school and an automated process will assist with the development of an action plan specifically tailored to the needs of your child.  The actual plan will be created by staff from within the school.
  • Where there are other professionals and services involved, or required, for the best support of the child and/or family, it may be of benefit to share the Thrive action plan and profile. We will always inform you and gain your consent prior to information being shared. Typically, this could include speech and language therapy, CAMHs provision, social care, educational psychology or other provision from the appropriate local authority, although this is not an exhaustive list.

Information gathered in the Thrive assessment will be stored in secure computer systems and anonymous statistical information will be created. The data will be deleted in accordance with the school's data retention policy.


The school will only use any personal data collected for the purposes detailed above, the education of your child in accordance with the law and in accordance with its privacy policy. The online tool is provided by Thrive who will process data on behalf of the school.  If you agree in the future, personal data may also be shared by the school with other organisations who may provide support to your child. 


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