
Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement


We believe that Maths is an incredibly important and valuable part of pupil’s development. We also recognise that maths underpins much of our daily lives within the 21st century and as such our maths curriculum, which is underpinned by our fundamental key values; positivity, integrity, reflection and determination, is designed to provide extensive learning opportunities for all pupils so they can achieve their full potential and develop a life-long love of learning the subject.

Through our maths teaching, we intend to:

  • Provide stimulating, exciting and engaging maths lessons, which cater for the needs of all individuals.
  • Support all pupils, regardless of their previous learning opportunities and experiences, to explore and achieve their full potential and set them up with the necessary skills and knowledge for them to be successful in the future and within the real world.
  • Support pupils to make rich connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems, as well as give all pupils the confidence and resilience to achieve this.
  • Provide equal and varied opportunities for our pupils to be able to apply their mathematical knowledge to science and across other subjects e.g. STEM parents’ day and Lego day.
  • Give each pupil a chance to believe in themselves as mathematicians.
  • Develop Maths Mastery skills of fluency, representation and manipulatives, reasoning and problem solving and variability.

Our Maths curriculum is designed to develop pupils’ knowledge and understanding of mathematical concepts from Year 7 through KS3 to Year 9. We use expectations outlined in the National Curriculum to ensure coverage and progression in mathematical knowledge and skills across the school whilst always considering further, real world opportunities to further embed the pupils love and curiosity of the subject.

Teachers refer to the White Rose Maths Schemes of Learning as a guide to support planning and assessment, as well as various other avenues to ensure our curriculum is bespoke and personalised for our school community.

At the Levett School, out maths curriculum is delivered through the following ways:

  • Maths lessons each week delivered through quality-first teaching, which are engaging, differentiated and challenging for all pupils as well as built upon prior learning.
  • Pupils work at their own pace; all pupils select their level of challenge depending on their current knowledge and confidence (with adult guidance if appropriate), however all pupils understand and are encouraged to move forwards to a more challenging task if they are secure with their learning or back to a more appropriate task if they need to consolidate the learning focus.
  • Pupils are baselined when they arrive, and complete an assessment at the end of each module. Formative assessment takes place in each lesson as a RISC activity, which is used to inform planning for the following lessons.
  • One maths lesson per week is given to individual intervention, which allows time to revise and areas, which are highlighted as a weakness, in order to close any gaps in pupils’ knowledge.
  • A calculation policy is followed to offer consistency and progression of skill within the year groups.
  • The use of manipulatives and various representations support maths lessons to ensure that pupils are supported with variability.
  • The NCTEM progression maps are available to all teachers so they can practice, consolidate and challenge skills in all units.

The impact of our school Maths curriculum can be seen in the pupils’ books, in the answers to the Big Questions, highlighted learning outcomes and in the RISC activities.

Furthermore, the impact of our maths curriculum is demonstrated by the pupils:

  • Mastering and applying mathematical concepts and skills, demonstrated when they could show a particular concept multiple ways, using mathematical language to explain their ideas and we are moving towards pupils independently applying the concept to new problems in unfamiliar situations.
  • Demonstrating recall of facts and procedures, including multiplication and division facts, and applying this knowledge and understanding in real life situations.
  • Using appropriate mathematical vocabulary in maths lessons with confidence, ease and accuracy.
  • Demonstrating a secure understanding of how to reason mathematically, using stem sentences to support them with their answer and explanation.
  • Developing pupils’ skills of how to problem solve, using appropriate methods and demonstrating resilience.
  • Recognising mathematical relationships and making connections within concepts.
  • Speaking enthusiastically about their maths lessons and how they love learning about maths. They can articulate the context in which the maths is being taught and relate this to real life purposes.
  • Understand how and why maths is used in the outside world; they know about different ways that maths can be used to support their potential.

Maths Calculations Policy

Maths Policy